Small Huge Change to File Sharing

They've actually been around for quite some time now, but if you're anything like me, and on the definite lower end of everything tech savvy, then you've probably just discovered the wonders of cloud computing softwares. Backup and file sharing services has never been as easy and convenient, thanks to web-based online file hosting services like Dropbox and Mozy . Cloud computing may seem a small change, given that we've been sharing, emailing along information, paying bills, even ordering lunch over the Internet for who knows how long now. But this small change is actually a huge change to our information technological world. The bundle of storage and sharing is not only bigger, we can now use and access personal computer files from any computer over the web, and luckily breath easier knowing that if a 16,000 lbs elephant stomps over our laptop, all our data and files will be safely secure and accessible over an Internet connection. Halleluj...