March 2011 Top 5: Richest People in the World

Every year Forbes magazine releases a list of the richest people in the world. For many years Microsoft founder, Bill Gates was #1 on the list, hence, I have always associated the list with technology. For this month, we will breakdown the top five riches people and whether they or their companies contribute to technology . Here are the top five: Carlos Slim Helu , $73 billion. Mr. Slim is a Mexican of Lebanese descent. He is the chairman of Telmex ( THE phone company in Mexico). He also has holdings in other Mexican industries and the telephone industry in other Latin American countries. How can this man, in a country like Mexico, be the richest in the world? It speaks volumes about the gap between the rich and the poor Mexico, Latin American and the rest of the world. TelMex has been an impediment to the implementation of technology, even though TelMex is part of one of the industries (phones) which is going through the most innovation in the w...