Google Voice by Google

Google Voice had its premier appearance sometime in 2009. Since then the web-based platform for managing various types of communications have skyrocket with millions of subscribers and users and the best part - Google Voice is free.

Google Voice is the first of it's kind, introducing one number that can ring all your phones, offering voicemail transcription, calls, free text messaging, cheap international calls, and even the ability to screen and block those unwanted callers among many other features.

Here's a quick video overview of Google Voice.

In theory making calls on your mobile using a Google Voice number should be free, but it's not. 

In actuality you are first calling your Google Voice number (a landline number), and then dialing out from there. So, ultimately, using a Google Voice number to make calls will inevitably eat your regular mobile minutes, but have no fear! Where there's a will, there's a way - to getting free calls that is!

In order to get free calls using a Google Voice number, simply add your Google number to your mobile carrier's respective friends and family plan. AT&T calls it "A-list", Verizon calls it "Friends & Family", and T-Mobile calls it "myFaves", but whatever the name, it's still unlimited calling. 

By adding a Google Voice number to your carrier's unlimited calling plan you'll no longer have to worry about paying another penny for a call.

So think twice the next time you're giving out your number, and make a wise decision.

Will it be your mobile number with all its overpriced features, or your very frugal Google Voice number?


timeofthetech said…
Ha! I didn't know about the trick about "My Faves" and I've been using Google Voice for over a year now.

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